Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Share of Russians Who Think Earth is Flat Falls to Two Percent, VTsIOM Reports

Paul Goble

            Staunton, August 2 – One of the invariable developments during vacation season is that stories which would not have made the cut during the rest of the year are reported and even attended to, be they Russian views about whether the earth is flat or the ranking of regions according to where the most dismemberments occur.

            According to a new VTsIOM poll, six percent of Russians do not know that the earth is a sphere and two percent think that it is flat. The latter figure represents a decline from three percent with that perspective only two years ago (thinktanks.by/publication/2020/08/02/dolya-rossiyan-schitayuschih-chto-zemlya-ploskaya-umenshaetsya.html).

            Other results from the same poll are also interesting: 49 percent of Russians don’t believe the Americans landed on the moon, down from 57 percent in 2018, 66 percent say the government is hiding the dangers of genetically modified foods, down 13 percentage points in the last two years.

At the same time, the sociologists report, 60 percent say foreign agents are rewriting Russian history as part of a concerted effort to destroy the country, down six percent from 2018, and 54 percent say LGBTs are destroying Russian spiritual values, down nine percent over the same period. 

            A second story of this type concerns an effort to rank the federal subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of where dismemberments are most common. Bashkortostan leads with 18 such crimes over the last three years followed by Krasnoyarsk with 16 and then Moscow with 14 (dailystorm.ru/obschestvo/reyting-regionov-gde-chashche-vsego-raschlenyayut-lyudey-piter-ne-na-pervom-meste).

            The Daily Storm survey says that most of these crimes are committed by family members and that in at least some cases, the guilty remain unpunished by a system that seems uncertain how to handle such a bestial crime.  But one thing is certain: there will be more reports about such things in the next four weeks. After that, the news may become more “normal.”

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