Thursday, April 11, 2024

Russia Faces the Same Natural Disasters Every Year and They will Only Increase Given Official Negligence and Spending on War in Ukraine, Russian Commentators Say

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Apr. 8 – Each year, Russia suffers the kind of natural disasters that it did 12 months earlier – floods in the spring, forest fires in the summer, and broken heating and water pipes in the winter – at least in part because officials act as if each case is something new rather than an event that has been predicted and that they could have prepared for.

            Worse, Russian commentator says, the situation is getting worse with each passing year not only because the powers that be are devoting less attention to bringing infrastructure up to standard but because the Kremlin is diverting ever more money to the war in Ukraine and its desire to present the Russian Federation as a super power.

            This is becoming a theme in an ever-increasing number of commentaries about the natural disasters Russia is suffering from now (e.g., and

            And that in turn is becoming a growing problem for Russian leaders at all levels. So far, Kremlin has succeeded in focusing the blame on regional and local officials rather than allowing it to be directed at himself, although continuing references to the way the war in Ukraine are making that worse likely undercuts the possibilities that tactic has for success.


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