Thursday, July 18, 2024

Russian Citizens Among Those Involved in Crocus City Hall Terrorist Attack, Chikhanchin Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, July 15 – As is its custom, the Kremlin has sought to place the blame for the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack in Moscow last spring on foreigners, but  now Yury Chikhanchin, the head of the Russian financial intelligence service says, it has become clear that Russian citizens were among those involved.

            He says that it would have been impossible for the terrorists to achieve their goals without such support, but his acknowledgement made during a presentation to Russia’s Federation Council undercuts the Kremlin’s messages ( and

            More than that, Chikhchancin’s conclusion means that within the Russian leadership, there is a growing awareness that Moscow is threatened not just by foreigners but by Russian citizens, a recognition that may lead to even harsher repression against the population of that country.

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