Saturday, February 15, 2025

Putin’s Use of Bans Counterproductive but Continue Because He’s Detroyed Alternative Means of Social Management, El Murid Says

Paul Goble
    Staunton, Feb. 12 – Anatoly Nesmiyan, who blogs under the screen name El Murid, says that it is becoming obvious even to the Russian government that the Putin regime’s use of total bans on this or that activity are counterproductive. But the Kremlin continues to use them because it has destroyed alternative means of social management.
    Indeed, El Murid says, there are now “zero possibilities” for the regime to do otherwise; and Russian management today is “reactive,” responding to events that have already occurred but incapable of proactive measures to guide the country ( resposted at
    According to the popular Russian blogger, “there has been no talk of any proactive, much less project-based management for about ten years, and the transition five years ago to total terror in relation to the managed object only emphasizes the complete incapacity of the authorities.”
    And that means this: Today, “we are present not just at the decline but at the growing collapse of the regime. But like any complex large-scale process, this is a lengthy one; and we, being inside a disintegrating system, cannot see the entire picture, much like passengers on board an airplane flying toward disaster.”

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