Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Russia on Its Way to Becoming ‘an Orthodox Christian Iran,’ Pivovarov Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Aug. 3 – Just as Iran rejected Westernization and modernization and became hostile to the West as such, so too Russia has now rejected both of those things and thus is on its way to becoming “an Orthodox Iran,” Academician Yury Pivovarov says, adding that he doesn’t see any social forces capable of preventing that at least in the short term.

            The Russian academician who has been forced by Moscow’s persecution to flee abroad draws that conclusion on the basis of the writings of two historians, Georgiy Fedotov and Richard Pipes from whose works he quotes (novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/08/04/dobro-pozhalovat-v-pravoslavnyi-iran).

            They both assert and Pivovarov agrees that democracy is something that was invented and developed in Europe and that Russia like Iran can only achieve it if it joins Europe. If those countries do not do so, they will remain without it for some time, although all three expressed some hope development might change the situation, although none expected that to happen soon. 


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