Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ukraine Set to Adopt Comprehensive Program to Actively Support Independence for Minority Nations inside Russia

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Aug. 1 – Since Putin’s seizure of Crimea in 2014 and even more since the Kremlin leader launched his expanded invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Ukrainian officials, including both President Volodymyr Zelensky and members of the Verkhovna Rada have spoken out in defense of national minorities within the Russian Federation.

            This effort grew out of Kyiv’s focus on the ethnic Ukrainian regions inside the Russian Federation known as “wedges” and a belief that supporting the non-Russians within Russia would both help Ukraine defeat Russia and lead to the disintegration of that empire, a precondition for the survival of those nations and the elimination of the Russian threat to peace

            Much of this effort has been piecemeal, that is, it has taken the form of support for particular nations ( ,, and

            Such actions not only are often the result of work by the nations concerned but also have been warmly welcomed by them and have served as a model for others ( But Ukrainian parliamentarians have increasingly sought to create a broader framework.

            A year ago, Verkhovna Rada has set up a temporary commission to work with the national movements of the numerically small and indigenous peoples of Russia and to promote their cause internationally by pointing out that the world will be a safer place if the Russian colonial empire is demolished (

Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has set up a temporary commission to work with the national movements of the numerically small and indigenous peoples of Russia and to promote their cause internationally by pointing out that the world will be a safer place if the Russian colonial empire is demolished.

            The commission consists of 11 deputies and is headed by Yaroslav Yurchishin of Golos and Mariya Mezentseva of Servants of the People. It has already had its first meeting at which these goals were announced ( and

            The group has drawn on the work of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the UN in their work both directly with the peoples themselves and with foreign governments and organizations (

            Now, the Ukrainian parliamentarians are set to take the next step, to pass a law that will institutionalize this policy of support for the minority nations within the current borders of the Russian Federation and mobilize international support for the decolonization of that last empire so the successor states won’t threaten their neighbors or the world.

            The Ukrainian language text of the draft law is at; and an informal English-language translation is appended to this Window. It deserves careful study even though many in Russia and the West may dismiss these Ukrainian plans as irrelevant.

            The law as a whole as well as  its specific provisions are important because they send a powerful signal to those nations that they haven’t been forgotten and do have real support; and while this may not lead to their independence immediately, it can play an important role of the kind that the US-ed non-recognition policy did for the Baltic nations in Soviet times.


A Draft Law on the Basic Principles of Ukrainian State Policy on Cooperation with National Movements of the Colonized Peoples of the Russian Federation

Professing the principle of international solidarity in the protection of human and peoples' rights

Recognizing the aspirations of dependent peoples for freedom and the decisive role of these

peoples in achieving their independence

Reaffirming its commitment to the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, the UN

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, approved

by UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14.12.1960, the UN Declaration on the

Rights of Indigenous Peoples, approved by UN General Assembly Resolution 61/295 of 13.

09.2007, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 16.12.1966, the

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 16.12.1966, UN General

Assembly Resolution 1803 (XVII) “Inherent Sovereignty over Natural Resources” of


Taking into account the systematic violation by the Russian Federation of the basic norms of

the UN Charter;

Reaffirming that no territorial acquisition as a result of the threat or use of force is recognized

as legal;

Reaffirming that the Russian Federation as a state is not the spokesperson for the interests

and protector of the rights of the peoples inhabiting its territories

Expressing concern at the gross violations of human and peoples' rights in the Russian

Federation, the policy of Russification and restriction of the functioning of national languages

and cultures, the deprivation of peoples of internationally recognized rights, including the

rights to natural wealth and resources, the involvement of the peoples of the Russian

Federation in a disastrous war withUkraine and disproportionately high military losses among

representatives of certain peoples; noting the intensification of conflicts caused by the denial

of freedom or the creation of obstacles to the freedom of the colonial peoples of the Russian

Federation, which is a serious threat to world peace;

Taking into account the traditions of state-building and the historical experience of national

self-determination of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation, including in the form of

acts of state sovereignty and independence, referendums, free elections, and the activities of

legitimate authorities of sovereign republics


Realizing that only the state independence of the countries and peoples colonized by Russia

can guarantee their survival and preservation;

having regard to the provisions of European Parliament Resolution 2024/2579 of February 29,

2024, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Resolutions 2540/2024 of April 17, 2024 and

2558/2024 of June 26, 2024 and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Resolution of July 3, 2024 on

the violation of the rights of peoples in the Russian Federation and the decolonization of the

Russian Federation

Taking into account the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

“On the Appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the United Nations, the Parliamentary

Assembly of the Council of Europe, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the OSCE

Parliamentary Assembly, and the national parliaments of the world to condemn the violation

of the rights of indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation and the temporarily occupied

territories of Ukraine” No. 2734-VIII of May 30, 2019

“On the Appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the International Community to Support

the Right to Self-Determination of the Peoples of the Russian Federation” No. 2633-IX of

October 6, 2022;

“On the Statement of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Condemnation of the Armed

Aggression of the Russian Federation against the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, the

Occupation of its Territory and the Crime of Genocide of the Chechen People” No. 2672-IX of

October 18, 2022

Pursuant to the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine No. 3355-IX of 24.08.2023 “On

the establishment of the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on

the preparation of the draft basic principles of state policy of Ukraine on Interaction with

National Movements of Small and Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation”, which

defines the preparation of this document as the main task of the Temporary Special


The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts this Law, which defines the basic principles of the state

policy of Ukraine on interaction with national movements of the colonial peoples of the

Russian Federation.


Article 1: Definition of terms.

1. In this Law, the following terms are used in the following meanings:


1) Colonial regime - the central (federal) authorities of the Russian Federation and the means

and methods of exercising power by them, which restrict the right to self-determination of

colonial peoples and violate human rights of their representatives.

2) The colonial (enslaved) people of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the

colonial people) is an autochthonous ethnic community that was formed in the territories

currently belonging to the Russian Federation, is a carrier of an original language and culture,

may have traditional social, cultural and/or representative bodies, self-identifies as

indigenous, constitutes an ethnic minority within the population of the Russian Federation,

does not have its own state outside the Russian Federation and is subject to subjugation,

domination and exploitation by the The term “colonial (enslaved) people of the Russian

Federation” used in this Law and the term “enslaved peoples of the Russian Federation” used

in the Law of Ukraine “On Condemnation and Prohibition of Propaganda of Russian Imperial

Policy in Ukraine” are equivalent.

3) National movement - an organized manifestation of the political subjectivity of a colonial

people or several such peoples or residents of a region where representatives of the colonial

people live compactly, which aims to protect the political, economic, cultural and other rights

of the colonial people. A type of national movement is the national liberation movement,

which aims to create a nation-state.

4) National or regional representative body - an institution of self-organization of the colonial

people or residents of a region where there is a compact representatives of the colonial

people live compactly, formed on the basis of a public initiative, which is not a state body and

is independent of state bodies, acts on the territory of the Russian Federation or in exile,

speaks on behalf of the respective people (peoples) and declares their rights, interests and


5) Regional authorities of the Russian Federation - legislative, representative and executive

authorities of republics, territories, oblasts, cities of federal significance, autonomous districts

and autonomous regions, and other administrative-territorial units that are part of the Russian


6) A state in the process of creation is a colonial people in the process of creating its own form

of statehood, participating in international relations through national or regional

representative bodies that are not formed by or subordinate to the colonial regime.


7) Decolonization of the Russian Federation is a process aimed at the national self-

determination of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation, including the proclamation


of sovereign states by the colonial peoples, their international recognition and further

peaceful, democratic, sustainable development on the basis of strict observance of human

and peoples' rights as defined by the UN Charter and other UN documents.

Article 2. Scope of the Law.


1. This Law defines the basic legal principles of the formation and implementation of state

policy on interaction with national movements of colonial peoples of the Russian Federation.

2. This Law regulates the relations arising between the subjects of power and other subjects in

the process of formulation and implementation of the policy of interaction with the national

movements of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation.

Article 3: Colonialist policy of the Russian Federation.

1. The main principles of the colonialist policy of the Russian Federation are:

1) Acquisition of the present territory of the Russian Federation by means of colonial wars and

seizure of the territories of colonial peoples;

2) The colonialist nature of the statehood of the Russian Federation and the formal nature of

its federal state structure and republican form of government;

3) The authoritarian nature of the state regime, the presence of signs of totalitarianism;

4) The colonial regime committing crimes against colonial peoples and their representatives,

including genocide, deportation and other crimes, Russification and destruction of national

identity, language, culture, religion, historical memory and national elites, plundering of

natural resources; significant restrictions on internationally recognized peoples' rights, human

rights and freedoms;

5) Impossibility for the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation to realize internationally

recognized rights of peoples, including the right to free development of languages, cultures

and spiritual life, the right to natural resources, etc;

6) The impossibility for the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation to exercise the right to

self-determination guaranteed by international law, state acts of the Union of Soviet Socialist

Republics, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the Russian Federation and state

acts of national republics that have chosen the course of building sovereign states since 1990.

Article 4. The purpose of the state policy on interaction with national movements of colonial

peoples of the Russian Federation.

1. The goal of the state policy on interaction with national movements of colonial peoples is

realization by the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation of their political, economic,

cultural and other rights through the decolonization of the Russian Federation, in order to

ensure sustainable peace.

Article 5. Objectives of the State Policy on Interaction with National Movements of the

Colonial Peoples of the Russian Federation.


The objectives of the state policy on interaction with national movements of the colonial

peoples of the Russian Federation are comprehensive support of national movements of the

colonial peoples of the Russian Federation, assistance to their institutionalization (in particular

through the formation of national or regional representative bodies) and increase of capacity,

authority and influence, establishment of effective control over their territories, transformation

into full-fledged subjects of international law, namely, into states in the process of creation

promoting the creation of conditions for democratic elections and renewal of public

administration, international recognition of the sovereign states of colonial peoples on the

basis of the fundamental principles of the UN, their political and economic capacity,

development of state institutions, economic growth, environmental responsibility, rule of law,

respect for human rights and sustainable peace.

These objectives are achieved, in particular, in the following ways:

1. Promoting the readiness of the colonial peoples, their national movements, national or

regional representative bodies, and regional authorities of the Russian Federation to acquire


2. Assistance in the formation and institutional development, strengthening the authority,

recognition and influence of national movements, national or regional representative bodies

of colonial peoples, their organizational capacity.

3. Promote the consolidation of national movements with a view to creating a single

representative center for each colonial people, and assist in establishing interaction between

such centers.

4. Preventing discussions in international organizations and at international events and

negotiations on the future of all peoples on the territory of the Russian Federation and all

territories controlled by the colonial regime without the participation of representatives of

national or regional representative bodies of colonial peoples.

5. Promoting the formation of promising visions of sovereign states of colonial peoples,

dissemination and discussion of these visions, the formation of national political and

economic strategies, national unity and the development of national elites.

6. Promoting the development, protection and popularization of national cultures and

languages of colonial peoples.

7. Promoting the overcoming of the cultural consequences of the domination of the colonial

regime, territorial claims to colonial peoples and attempts to establish a monopoly right to

interpret their history.

8. Promote the recognition of the subjectivity of colonial peoples and the condemnation of

crimes committed against them.

9. Promote civic education, popularization of the principles of peace, human and peoples'

rights, democracy, sustainable development and other fundamental principles of the United

Nations, and assistance in training the governing elites of the national states of colonial


10. Support for human rights of representatives of colonial peoples, including political

prisoners and persecuted religious leaders and national intellectuals, condemnation of

abductions, torture and other crimes, taking into account PACE resolutions “Political prisoners

in the Russian Federation” No. 15545 of 21.06.2022 and No. 2445 of 21.06.2022 “The need

to restore human rights and the rule of law in the North Caucasus region”.

11. Adoption of legislative acts to condemn genocides and other crimes committed by the

colonial regime against colonial peoples, and initiate the adoption of such acts by other


12. Promoting the creation, education, training and provision of national armed forces, not

controlled by the colonial regime and ready to defend the independence of their own states

from the colonial regime, as well as from fascist movements and external aggression.

13. Organizational, logistical, advisory and other assistance in the creation of public

organizations and media in exile in order to influence the diaspora and refugees and establish

mass communication with compatriots in the republics and regions.

14. Supporting international campaigns for the protection of human rights and the rights of

colonial peoples.

15. Interaction with the governments of foreign countries, primarily Ukraine's allies and the

countries neighboring the Russian Federation, in order to shape the position of these states

regarding the national movements of colonial peoples and their sovereign states.

16. Opposition to the mobilization of representatives of colonial peoples to the military

formations of the Russian Federation, which are preparing for the criminal actions of the

Russian Federation against other states, support for protests against the war and human rights


17. Diplomatic assistance in establishing international contacts and relations of national

republics and movements.

18. Diplomatic recognition of states in the course of their creation, if proclaimed by national

or regional representative bodies of colonial peoples or regional authorities of the Russian

Federation, and establishment of diplomatic relations with them.

Article 6. Principles of the State Policy of Ukraine on Interaction with National Movements of

Colonial Peoples of the Russian Federation.


The main principles of the state policy of Ukraine on interaction with national movements of

colonial peoples of the Russian Federation are:

1. Self-determination of colonial peoples - the inalienability of the right of self-determination

of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation, established by the UN General Assembly

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, regardless

of whether the colonial people have their own republic within the Russian Federation or live

together with other colonial peoples within the same republic.

2. Subjectivity - the recognition of the exclusive right of colonial peoples to determine their

own future, as well as the future status of their countries and territories; non-interference in

their freedom of choice and in their internal affairs, assistance in the implementation of the

choice made by them, if it meets the goal of maintaining international law and order, the

interests of Ukraine, the principle of peace, the principle of the right of peoples and nations to

self-determination and other fundamental principles of the United Nations.

3. Inadmissibility of justifying the crimes of the colonial regime - condemnation of the crimes

of the colonial regime in all its historical forms (Moscow Kingdom, Russian Kingdom, Russian

Empire, Russian Republic, Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, Russian Soviet

Federative Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Russian Federation) against

colonial peoples.

4. Equality and non-discrimination - providing support to all colonial peoples, without

exception, who are fighting for freedom and independence and other rights of peoples. If

there are competing movements in neighboring republics or regions, support for all of them

in the struggle against the colonial regime, and not some against others. If there are

competing national movements in one republic or region, help them overcome their

differences and unite their efforts to fight for freedom and independence. Supporting the

liberation aspirations of colonial peoples as a whole, not their individual political camps or

figures. Avoidance of actions that promote the status of one political environment or

personality at the expense of others.

5. Anti-colonialism - refusal to support national movements, national or regional

representative bodies whose purpose is to preserve in any form the power of the colonial

regime over colonial peoples; support for the creation of national or regional representative

bodies that will constitute an alternative to the colonial regime.

6. Prevention of terrorism and crimes - condemnation of terrorism, crimes of aggression, war

crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide; opposition to political organizations and

movements associated with international terrorist networks or those acting against countries

friendly to Ukraine; condemnation of organizations and movements that profess the ideas of

racial, ethnic, religious and social intolerance and segregation, call for the destruction of the

international order based on international law and the principles of the United Nations.

7. Legitimacy - openness to cooperation with the regional authorities of the Russian

Federation focused on national revival and rejection of the aggressive policy of the colonial


8. Recognition of external borders - creation of sovereign states of colonial peoples

exclusively within the internationally recognized borders of the Russian Federation as of

February 18, 2014, prevention of any attempts to extend the state sovereignty of colonial

peoples beyond the internationally recognized state borders of the Russian Federation as of

February 18, 2014.

9. Preservation of internal borders - encouraging the preservation of the existing

administrative borders of the republics and regions of the Russian Federation, encouraging

the avoidance of territorial disputes and their resolution, if any, exclusively through peaceful

negotiations after the establishment of effective control of national movements over the

territories of the respective republics or regions; avoiding the recognition of certain borders

between sovereign states of colonial peoples until the final resolution of existing territorial

disputes, encouraging the respective national movements to

10. Avoiding the role of arbitrator - avoiding involvement in the moderation of disputes and

conflicts between national movements; avoiding defining Ukraine's position on disputed

territories claimed by two or more national movements or sovereign states of colonial peoples

as exclusively a subject of negotiations between national movements, national or regional

representative bodies.

11. Capabilities - recognition of sovereign states of colonial peoples only after the

establishment of effective control of national movements over the territories of the respective

republics or regions or at least over their significant parts; avoidance of recognition of

sovereign states proclaimed by movements or figures in exile; opening of representative

offices in Ukraine of those national, national or regional representative bodies that have

proven their capabilities through political activity in their own republics or regions or the

creation of armed forces.

12. Human rights - demanding from the sovereign states of colonial peoples to respect the

principles of peace, human rights, protection of the rights of national, ethnic and religious

minorities, as well as the release of prisoners of war, hostages and political prisoners of the

colonial regime, inevitable punishment of war criminals and solidarity responsibility for the

damage caused to Ukraine by the aggression of the Russian Federation.

13. Rule of law - demanding from the sovereign states of colonial peoples to respect the

principles of the rule of law and guarantee human rights, political pluralism and democratic

standards, conditions for the safe return of refugees and political emigrants, and removal of

obstacles to the participation in the political process of persons repressed by the colonial


14. Non-nuclearization - demanding that sovereign states of colonial peoples decide on a

non-nuclear status in accordance with the fundamental principles of non-nuclearization - not

to adopt, produce or acquire nuclear weapons.

15. Sovereignty over national wealth - the right of colonial peoples to sovereign possession of

their own land, minerals and other natural wealth and resources, to benefit from their

exploitation and to receive income from all types of economic activity on their own territory;

condemnation of the sole receipt by the colonial regime of income from the development of

mineral resources, extraction and export of natural resources; 16.

16. Openness - freedom of movement of goods and services, openness of communications,

guaranteeing food and energy security of peoples in the post-colonial space, development of

international cooperation and cooperation across new interstate borders.

17. Bottom-up federalization - the creation of any federal or confederative associations only

by independent political entities formed in accordance with international law by voluntarily

delegating part of their sovereignty to a federation or confederation; rejection of any coercion

or pressure in the creation of such associations, recognition of the unconditional right of

sovereign states and national or regional representative bodies to refuse to participate in such


18. Systematic - giving preference to the long-term goals of decolonization, the proclamation

and development of sovereign states of colonial peoples and sustainable peace over the

short-term goals of the moment.

19. Interagency and inter-sectoral cooperation - involvement of state authorities, local

governments, and other entities in the formation and implementation of state policy to

support the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation.

20. Sustainable peace - Ukraine's support for the colonial peoples' aspirations for freedom

and independence, for the peaceful, democratic and sustainable development of their states

as a guarantee of sustainable peace.

Article 7. Tasks of the central authorities in accordance with the state policy of Ukraine

regarding interaction with the national movements of the colonial peoples of the Russian



Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine:

Adopts legal acts (in particular, laws and resolutions) aimed at political support and

encouragement of national movements, restoration of historical justice for colonial peoples:

recognition of acts of genocide, condemnation of the occupation of territories, etc;

puts on the agenda of inter-parliamentary associations or otherwise initiates the protection of

the rights of colonial peoples and international support for them.


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:

Develops and adopts the Strategy of State Policy of Ukraine on Interaction with National

Movements of Colonial Peoples of the Russian Federation.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine:

Formulates and coordinates the implementation of the state policy on interaction with

national movements of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation in the international


Promotes the institutionalization and capacity building of national movements and national or

regional representative bodies of colonial peoples, including the opening of representative

offices of national movements, national or regional representative bodies in Ukraine, provided

that they have the organizational capacity expressed in anti-war protests at home,

international campaigns, and the creation of national armed formations.

Provides organizational, logistical, educational, advisory and other assistance to national

movements of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation in the development of public

organizations and media in exile in order to influence the diaspora and refugees and establish

mass communication with compatriots in the republics and regions.

Conducts international events aimed at implementing the state policy on interaction with

national movements of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation.

Interacts with other states and international organizations on the implementation of the state

policy on interaction with national movements of the colonial peoples of the Russian

Federation, including on human rights, rights of indigenous and colonized peoples and

territories, etc.

Carries out diplomatic, informational, educational, cultural and other activities to raise

awareness of citizens of the world, especially Ukraine's allies, and their political and

intellectual elites about the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation, their current situation

and observance of human rights, their national movements and national or regional

representative bodies.

Carries out diplomatic, informational, educational, cultural and other activities to overcome

stereotypes and phobias about colonial peoples in international politics, especially in NATO

and EU member states, including overcoming the influence of the colonial historical narrative,

overcoming the colonial perception of the cultures of colonial peoples, to recognize the rights

of colonial peoples established by the United Nations, and to demand that the Russian

Federation implement the UN General Assembly Declaration on the Granting of

Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

Includes on the agenda of international organizations or otherwise initiates the protection of

the rights of colonial peoples and the provision of international support to them.

Facilitates the involvement of representatives of national or regional representative bodies of

the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation in discussions related to the post-war

settlement of Northern Eurasia.

Raises in international organizations, in inter-parliamentary assemblies and at diplomatic

events the issue of supporting the struggle of national movements of the colonial peoples of

the Russian Federation for the realization of their right to self-determination.

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine:

Coordinates the work on the creation of military formations of national movements of the

colonial peoples of the Russian Federation within the Ukrainian Defense Forces and the

preparation of the basis for the resistance movement in the territories of residence of the

colonial peoples.

Establishes national armed formations from among the colonial peoples of the Russian

Federation as part of the Defence Forces of Ukraine to conduct combat operations on the

territory of Ukraine against the troops of the Russian Federation and/or to form the basis of

the resistance movement in their homeland, from among volunteers of the respective

nationalities who arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of armed struggle against the colonial

regime and prisoners of war of the respective nationalities who refused to return to the

Russian Federation and voluntarily expressed their readiness to fight

The central executive body that ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in

the fields of culture and information policy:

Coordinates work in the field of education and combating Russian disinformation in the

languages of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation.

Promotes the implementation of educational, media and artistic projects of the national

movements of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation aimed at realizing the right of

these peoples to self-determination.

Promotes the activities of international and national media specializing in the issues of the

colonial peoples of the Russian Federation.

The central executive body that ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in

the fields of education and science:

Promotes the implementation of educational programs and scientific research in the field of

the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation, their history, languages and cultures.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine:

Develops and implements a special legal regime for the stay on the territory of Ukraine of

representatives of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation fighting in the Ukrainian

Defense Forces and members of their families.


1. This Law shall enter into force on the day following the day of its publication.

2. The following laws of Ukraine shall be amended:

1) in the Law of Ukraine “On Information” (Vidomosti Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1992, No.

48, p. 650):

part four of Article 21 shall be supplemented with paragraph 4-1 as follows:

“4-1) on crimes committed by the colonial regime against the colonial peoples of the Russian

Federation and their representatives, including warfare, genocide, deportation and other

crimes, on significant restrictions by the colonial regime of internationally recognized rights of

peoples, human rights and freedoms, on facts of violation of the rights and freedoms of

representatives of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation during the struggle for the

realization of their right to self-determination, including information contained in archival


2) in the Law of Ukraine “On Immigration” (Vidomosti Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2001, No.

41, p. 197):

part two of Article 4 shall be supplemented by paragraph 12 as follows:

“12) persons representing the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation and who have

suffered oppression and violations of their rights as a result of the colonialist policy of the

Russian Federation”;

part one of Article 9 shall be supplemented by paragraph 3 as follows:

“3) by persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and

representing the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation and suffered oppression and

violations of their rights as a result of the colonialist policy of the Russian Federation - to

diplomatic missions and consular offices of Ukraine abroad at the place of their residence”;

part five of Article 9 shall be supplemented by paragraph 9-2 as follows:

“9-2) for the persons referred to in paragraph 12 of part two of Article 4 of this Law - originals

(returned upon presentation) and copies of documents confirming the fact of harassment and


violations of the rights of such persons as a result of the colonialist policy of the Russian


3) in the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of Domestic and Foreign Policy” (The Bulletin of

the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2010, No. 40, p. 527):

in Article 2, part three shall be supplemented with a paragraph of the following content:


“support for the inalienable right of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation to self-

determination in accordance with the UN Charter, universally recognized norms and principles


of international law”;

in Article 11, part two shall be supplemented with two paragraphs as follows:

"to promote the realization by the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation of their political,

economic, cultural and other rights through the decolonization of the Russian Federation, in

order to ensure sustainable peace;

interaction with other states in the field of ensuring the rights and freedoms of the colonial

peoples of the Russian Federation on the basis of the obligation to comply with the generally

recognized principles and norms of international law”.

4) in the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons” (Vidomosti

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2012, No. 19-20, p. 179):

part ten of Article 4 shall be supplemented with a paragraph as follows:

“Representatives of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation (in particular, citizens of

the Russian Federation or stateless persons) who arrived in Ukraine during the period of

martial law to provide medical care, rehabilitation assistance on a volunteer basis as medical

workers, rehabilitation specialists and received a temporary residence permit shall be

considered to be legally staying on the territory of Ukraine for the period of providing such


part nineteenth of Article 4 shall be supplemented with a paragraph as follows:

"Representatives of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation (in particular, citizens of

the Russian Federation or stateless persons) who arrived with the written permission of the

relevant body of the Defense Forces of Ukraine to perform tasks in the interests of the

defense of Ukraine, direct participation in military (combat) operations, including on the

territory of the anti-terrorist operation, as well as in the areas of implementation of measures

to ensure national security and defense, repulse and deter armed aggression of the state,

which formally or actually is part three of Article 5 shall be amended to read as follows:


“Foreigners and stateless persons referred to in parts four to fifteen, eighteen, twenty and in

the second paragraph of part nineteen of Article 4 of this Law shall be granted a temporary

residence permit.”

part one of Article 15 shall be supplemented with a paragraph as follows:

“foreigners and stateless persons who arrived in accordance with the second paragraph of

part nineteen of Article 4 of this Law - on the basis of a passport document and written

permission of the relevant body of the Defense Forces of Ukraine”.

5) in the Law of Ukraine “On the System of Foreign Broadcasting in Ukraine” (Bulletin of the

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2016, No. 4, p. 37):

part one of Article 1 shall be amended to read as follows:

"1. In this Law, the following terms are used in the following meanings:

state foreign broadcasting of Ukraine - broadcasting aimed at informing about events in

Ukraine and events related to the realization by the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation

of their right to self-determination, which is carried out in the form of information messages,

news, programs (broadcasts) using technical means of telecommunications, as well as other

forms of activity provided for by this Law;

subjects of state foreign broadcasting of Ukraine - legal entities that make up the system of

state foreign broadcasting”;

part one of Article 5 shall be supplemented with clause 10 as follows:


“10) support for the inalienable right of the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation to self-

determination in accordance with the UN Charter, generally recognized norms and principles

of international law”;

part one of Article 6 shall be supplemented by paragraph 9 as follows:

“9) promoting information about events related to the realization by the colonial peoples of

the Russian Federation of their right to self-determination”;

in Article 7, part one shall be supplemented by a paragraph of the following content:

“The program policy of the UIPI may be aimed at informing about events related to the

realization by the colonial peoples of the Russian Federation and their national movements of

their right to self-determination”;

in Article 7, part two shall be amended to read as follows:



The editorial policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is determined by the need to

inform the foreign audience, including Ukrainians abroad, representatives of the colonial

peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as the audience located in the temporarily

occupied territories of Ukraine, territories where martial law has been introduced, as well as in

the areas of anti-terrorist operations and in the areas of measures to ensure national security

and defense, repulse and deter the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in Donetsk

and Luhansk regions.

3. To the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine within three months from the date of entry into force

of this Law is to

Ensure the adoption of regulatory legal acts necessary for the implementation of this Law;

bring its regulatory legal acts in line with this Law;

ensure that ministries and other central executive authorities review and cancel their

regulatory acts that contradict this Law.

within three months from the date of entry into force of this Law, to develop and approve the

Strategy of State Policy of Ukraine on interaction with national movements of the colonial

peoples of the Russian Federation.

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