Friday, September 27, 2024

Moscow Promises Veterans of Ukrainian War Suffering from Disabilities All Possible Help But Fails to Deliver, ‘To Be Continued’ Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Sept. 23 – Russia has long had a bad track record in providing assistance to those suffering from physical or mental disabilities, a group that numbers 11 million Rosstat says, but the Putin regime has made promises that this will not be the case for the thousands of Russians who have become invalids as a result of service in Ukraine.

            If one judges by the declarations of the authorities, the To Be Continued portal says in a new study, the invalids from this war will live in almost a paradise; but if one examines what is happening, the picture is very different and increasingly disturbing (

            The millions of rubles in bonuses, the cars, the large pensions and residences with elevators and other provisions invalids need simply aren’t being delivered. Some veterans never get them, and others are now waiting in line for what appears likely to be decades before they can hope to see what they have been promised.

            The portal continues: the government explains these delays by saying it needs to spend the money now on defeating the Ukrainians and their NATO backers; but the reality is that the veterans who have been left invalids after fighting in Ukraine are joining the millions of other invalids in Russia as people other Russians and the Russian government try to ignore.

            Indeed, even the most famous invalids in Russia, those who have won medals in the Para-Olympics, suffer in exactly the same way. They are on waiting lists for invalid-accessible housing and cars, despite all the media hype they are given. Tragically, the same or even a worse fate appears likely to befall those Russians who fought in Ukraine and lost limbs or eyesight.

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