Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ingush NGOs Most Secular in North Caucasus FD and Also Subject to Greatest Repression

Paul Goble

            Staunton, December 29 – NGOs in Ingushetia are far more likely to be secular rather than religious than in other federal subjects in the North Caucasus – only five percent of them are religious – and are also likely to get smaller federal grants and to be listed as foreign agents, according to a new Portal Six study (6portal.ru/posts/ингушетия-третий-сектор-ренессанс-и-р/).

            The study examined and provides statistical details on the non-governmental sector across the North Caucasus in recent years, characterizing the situation as one of “renaissance” followed by “repressions,” with Ingushetia leading both the earlier upsurge and the more recent suppression.

            Meanwhile, activist Zelimkhan Tomov was released from detention following the end of his sentence, but Eliskhan Azhigov who also has completed his term was not. Attorneys for the latter pledge to seek his release in the coming days (kavkaz-uzel.eu/articles/344106/).

            And as she has in the past, Moscow writer Elisaveta Aleksandrova-Zorina carried out an individual protest in the Arbat with a sign calling for an end to repressions in Ingushetia. She said she had received more positive reaction from passersby and even the police than when she took similar actions in earlier months (kavkaz-uzel.eu/articles/344098/).

            Her online post about her action also received overwhelmingly positive reactions and comments, including expressions of gratitude by leading Ingush activists.

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