Thursday, July 1, 2021

Second Era of Internal Emigration Again Ending as Russia Moves toward Totalitarianism, Boldyrev Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, June 27 – As the Soviet system decayed, it became possible for citizens who didn’t like what the regime was doing to go into a kind of internal emigration, focusing on their own affairs and avoiding anything that would attract the coercive resources of the state, Yury Boldyrev says. That was a way station on the path to the end of that totalitarian system.

            Now, the Moscow commentator argues, the course of history has been reversed and from a period of relative freedom two decades ago, many Russians passed through a second internal emigration; but today, the time for that is ending as a new totalitarianism takes shape under Vladimir Putin (

            Many had comforted themselves with the notion that the period of internal emigration would last for them if not for everyone and for a long time to come, Boldyrev says. But recent events including making vaccinations compulsory show that in small things and large the regime is going to insist on participation and support. Not objecting won’t be enough any more.

            Those old enough to remember what conditions were like before internal emigration became possible need to tell others what awaits them on the other side of this temporary condition. It isn’t good; and in contrast to this era, it is something that can last for a very long time indeed.

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