Saturday, December 9, 2023

‘Final Collapse of USSR’ Taking Place Now, Kucher Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Dec. 4 – With Armenia’s moves to break with Moscow and Russian-led organizations of former Soviet republics, Stanislav Kucher says, “we are witnessing the final collapse of the USSR in the form of the departure of its ‘fragments’ from the orbit of the Russian Federation.”

            Some of these countries are “extremely hostile” while “some are restrained” in expressing their feelings, the journalist says; “but it is obvious that their historical, cultural and mental paths have completely diverged from Rusia’s and that they have chosen a path best described as ‘from’” (

            The three Baltic countries, Ukraine, Moldova and the three former republics in the Caucasus are in the hostile camp, while the countries of Central Asia are restrained in their declarations but increasingly take positions that puts them at odds with the Russia of Vladimir Putin, Kucher says.

            “This means that Moscow can’t expect to get any support on military matters.” Indeed, at the present time, Russia has only one ally in the post-Soviet space: Belarus. The rest will either fence themselves off and arm themselves – or smile sweetly and then go ahead and arm themselves as well.”

            According to the journalist, “never before” has the Commonwealth of Independent States been so meaningless and divided.

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