Monday, September 2, 2024

Global Warming to have Net Positive Effect on Russian Economy if Moscow Takes Necessary Measures, Academy of Sciences Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Aug. 31 – For every one degree centigrade that temperatures rise as a result of global warming, the Russian economy could experience net growth of more than one trillion rubles (ten billion US dollars) primarily as a result of expanded agricultural production and use of the Northern Sea Route, according to the Institute for Economic Prognostication.

            At the current rate of rise, the Academy of Sciences institute says in a new study, that means the Russian economy will experience net growth of just over half that amount every ten years, although it adds that this will be true only if Moscow addresses the most pressing negative consequences of global warming (

            Among the problems that the Russian authorities must address to ensure such net positive impact from global warming are the destruction of infrastructure as a result of the melting of the permafrost in the north, increased immigration from other countries even harder hit, and more frequent flooding in other parts of the country.

            So far, however, the Russian government has not succeeded in adapting the country to these negative impacts of global warming; and if that continued, then the country will not  experience the net positive economic growth that it predicts, the Moscow institute concludes in its new report.

            In fact, as other studies have concluded, the impact of global warming on the Russian economy could be enormously negative and even worse if there is a combination of accelerating   warming and government inaction (,, and

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