Saturday, March 15, 2025

Comprehensive Bibliography of Online Guides to Tatar Books Published

 Paul Goble

    Staunton, Mar. 11 -- The Milliard.Tatar portal has just published a comprehensive online guide to online indexes of books in Tatar and by Tatar literary and scholarly figures in both Tatar and Russian, an essential tool for those studying both Tatarstan and the non-Russian nations within the current borders of the Russian Federation more generally.

    The 1500-word index, which includes both brief descriptions of hte subjects each contains and URLs where they can be visited online, can be found at One hopes that it will not only be widely used but become a model for other nations in the region.

    The compilers themselves express the hope that their publication will encourage more Tatar publishing outlets to issue their books in electronic form, something they sugget is essentialy to the survival and flourishing of Tatar national culture now and in the future.

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