Sunday, December 12, 2021

All North Caucasians Should Be Alarmed by Ingush Seven Case Because It was Organized by Moscow Not Magas, Sadovskaya Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Oct. 20 – Many in the North Caucasus are disturbed by the injustice and inhumanity of the system that has led to the long incarceration and show trial of the Ingush Seven and now threatens to impose truly draconian punishments on the innocent, Alena Sadovskaya says.

            But the former Kavkaz.Real journalist who covered Ingushetia over the last several years, says the real reason that everyone across the North Caucasus should be alarmed is that the entire Ingush Seven case was launched and has been carried out not by the republic authorities as some suspect but rather by officials in Moscow.

            That means that what the Ingush are facing today is something that any residents of the other republics of the North Caucasus could face tomorrow, Sadovskaya says (

            That may not have consequences today or tomorrow but over time, she continues, ever more people in the North Caucasus will recognize the truth of that observation. And when they do, the authorities in the Russian capital will face a population that recognizes it is being treated not as part of the Russian political system but as colonized nations.

            And that means something else that Moscow would do well to reflect upon. The Ingush movement has remained committed to proceeding always within the law to advance its cause. But other North Caucasian peoples may be less ready to do so and may thus restart the anti-colonial resistance that the Chechen nation demonstrated earlier.



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