Saturday, December 9, 2023

Dumpster Diving Spreads to Higher Income Groups in Moscow

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Dec. 3 – Searching through trash cans for food or other useful items has long been a strategy Russia’s poor have used to survive (  and

            But now, the Takiye Dela portal says, better off Russians are also looking through the trash, a phenomenon known in the West as “dumpster diving” to find items that others have thrown away and that they can use without having to come up with the money for them (

            On the one hand, this trend really does reflect the greater economic difficulties that many Russians now must contend with. But on the other, it often involves a desire to find furniture or clothes that allow better off people to acquire the kinds of things they need for outfitting themselves or their apartments in a retro style.

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