Friday, January 31, 2025

‘Men in North Caucasus have a Few More Rights than Women But No One is Free,’ Rights Activist Says

Paul Goble
    Staunton, Jan. 28 – That women in the traditional societies of the North Caucasus are subject to repression by men, their families, and society as a whole is universally acknowledged, but Saida Sirazhudinova points out something that is often ignored: while men in that region have a few more rights than women do, “no one is free.”
    Men are often told whom to marry, what careers they can pursue, and where they can live, the rights activist says; and in some respects, this situation is getting worse. In Soviet times, marrying someone of a different nationality was encouraged. Now, families and society pressure men against doing so (ультраджигитовая-маскулинность-сво/).
    Because women in the North Caucasus are treated so much worse than men there, she and other specialists say, the repression North Caucasian men feel is often ignored. But it is very real given the power of family and society pressure on the fundamental choices that men like women should have the right to make on their own.
    These experts make two other points which are important but again often ignored. On the one hand, older women who often dominate families are among those working hardest to oppress both men and women; and on the other, Islam often helps to liberate both men and women because it allows for inter-ethnic marriage and a broader choice of careers.
    That is not to say that the intensification of Islam in the region over the last two decades has been positive in every respect, these experts says; but it is to note that Islam can help break down some of the traditional values and practices at the root of the mistreatment of both women and men in the North Caucasus.  

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