Monday, September 5, 2022

Some Criminals in Russia Again Stealing Power Lines and Using Acrobats to Get at Them

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Aug. 6 – In the 1990s, across the former Soviet space, some in the hard-pressed population stole power lines in order to sell the copper and thus earn enough money to keep alive even though their actions had the effect of cutting off power to entire cities, towns and regions in Russia and the other former Soviet republics.

            Now this plague has returned at least to the Russian Federation, an indication of just how dire the economic straights of people there are and how willing some in that country are prepared to steal if needs be to keep going. The latest case the authorities have solved is in Kostroma Oblast.

            There a group of thieves, some of whom apparently had worked as professional acrobats and highwire artists, has been arrested for stealing several kilometers of spower lines and selling the copper wire (

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