Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Trial of 12 Ingush Policemen Who Refused to Use Force against Protesters Finally Ends with Suspended Sentences

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Aug. 30 – Unlike the trial of the Ingush Seven who were given significant jail time on trumped up charges of leading protests in the republic and now languish in behind bards, the judicial processing of the 12 Ingush policemen who refused to use force to disperse protesters in March 2019 although much delayed, has finally ended with suspended sentences.

            Prosecutors had sought to have the men incarcerated for 2.5 years but the judge issued suspended sentences to all of them. The authorities had brought charges against a total of 49 individuals who took part in protests against the deal in which Ingushetia, the smallest federal subject in Russia, handed over 10 percent of its territory to Chechnya.

            Except for a few appeals, none of which are likely to affect the outcomes, these sentences effectively end the Ingush affair as far as the judicial system is concerned, although they do nothing to lessen the anger the Ingush feel about Moscow and their own republic leadership (

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