Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Medvedev Makes It Clear Sergeytsev with His Call for Destroying Ukraine Speaks for the Kremlin

Paul Goble

            Staunton, April 4 – When Russian commentator Timofey Sergeytsev published his horrific plan for the destruction of Ukraine and Ukrainians, many in the West questioned whether he spoke for the Kremlin or only for himself, an approach the Kremlin was undoubtedly pleased because it muddied the waters about what Moscow is doing and planning.

            (On Sergeytsev’s plan, see windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com/2022/04/to-de-nazify-ukraine-moscow-must-impose.html; on some of the discussions about whom he speaks for, see apostrophe.ua/article/politics/2022-04-05/manifest-rosnatsizma-kto-v-kremle-napisal-programmnyiy-material-ob-unichtojenii-ukrainyi/45202.)

            Now, if anyone still has any doubts about what Putin and his regime plan and that it closely resembles what Sergeytsev wrote, those can be laid to rest because Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president and current deputy to Putin in the Russian Security Council, has said much the same thing (t.me/medvedev_telegram/34).

            As the editors of Grani point out, Medvedev echoes Sergeytsev in all details, an indication that what the commentator says and the Security Council deputy repeats is Kremlin policy and not just the ravings of some marginal Russian nationalist or imperialist no one need pay much attention to (graniru.org/Politics/World/Europe/Ukraine/m.284891.html).

            “The West cannot longer act as if one is speaking “only” about unprovoked aggression with the application of methods of war that have been banned. Things now stand much worse than that. If Putin up to now had allowed Ukraine the right to [exist], now, a program for the destruction of a nation has been declared and is beginning to be carried out,” Grani says.

             In this situation, it continues, “the West no longer has any time for reflection or the right not to get involved.”


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