Sunday, November 5, 2023

Russian Morals Police Set up in Komi Republic without Any Komi Representatives

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Nov. 2 – Russian officials in the Komi Republic have set up a special council for the preservation of spiritual and moral values, a group that includes the often outrageous governor as well as an Orthodox priest, local Muslim leaders, Cossacks, and pro-government media figures.

But what it doesn’t include is any representative of the titular nationality of the republic, the Komis, a Finno-Ugric nation in the Far East who have attracted attention in recent years for their protests against Moscow’s plans to build a trash dump at Shiyes and their votes against Putin and his allies in recent elections.

According to The Barents Observer, the new group has a broad mandate. It is to promote all-Russian civic identity, preserve historical memory, fight falsifications of history, and promote traditional family values (

In addition, it is to protect and promote the Russian language and to fight the “excessive use of foreign words;: and it is to black the spread of “destructive ideology” by promoting research “aimed at preserving and promoting traditional values.” But those don’t include the traditional values of the Komis, yet another sign of how Putin is Russifying the country.   

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