Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Aliyev Pledges to Support Independence Movements in French Colonies, as Activists from Them Assemble in Baku to Form United Front

Paul Goble

            Staunton, July 21 – In the latest sign of the deterioration of relations between Baku and Paris, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has pledged to do everything in his power to promote the independence of France’s last remaining colonies, as activists from them assemble in Baku to form a united front to achieve that end.

            Earlier this year, France blamed Azerbaijan and Russia for supporting pro-independence protests in New Caledonia; and Paris recalled its ambassador from Baku for consultations in protest (m.lenta.ru/news/2024/07/21/prezident-azerbaydzhana-poobeschal-podderzhivat-borbu-frantsuzskoy-polinezii-za-nezavisimost/).

            Now the  Baku Initiative Group (BIG) formed at the end of 2023 has assembled representatives of these colonies in the Azerbaijani capital to form an International Front for the Liberation of the Last French Colonies (https://www.rt.com/news/601288-french-overseas-territories-liberation-front and azertag.az/ru/xeber/v_baku_prohodit_sezd_dvizhenii_za_nezavisimost_kolonizirovannyh_franciei_territorii_video-3100234).

            Paris and pro-French groups in these colonies have denounced the move, but it likely signals plans by Moscow to promote instability in these places and the readiness of Baku to cooperate in such an effort. How far either will go is uncertain, but this is a classic example of how Moscow is using others to try to undermine the Western powers. 

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