Thursday, November 9, 2023

‘Putin Equals War and Poverty’ and Other Slogans of Russian Nationalists on Nov. 4 Holiday

 Paul Goble

            Staunton, Nov. 5 – Only one city in Russia – Samara – gave the Russian March committees approval to hold their traditional demonstration on November 4 this year, but the SOVA Center reports that nonetheless the Russian Marchers staged small actions in 42 cities in 31 federal subjects.

            These protests were of two kinds: the mainstream part of the Russian March movement which encouraged its followers to tour historical sites and the more radical minority which called for turning the holiday into a day of rage and attack immigrants and others this segment disapproves of (

            The former put up stickers and posters, while the latter circulated their appeals via the internet and in many cases were arrested after they did so. Given that none of the actions involved more than a few dozen people, the most important aspect of the demonstrations this year likely were the slogans the two sides offered.

            Among the slogans the Russian March groups offered this year were “Be Proud of Your Ancestors,” “Russians Deserve Better than Genocide on Their Own Land,” “Without Russians, There is No Russia,” “Down with the Power of Security Officers,” “Down with the Tsar,” “Stop Feeding the Caucasus,” and “Putin = War + Poverty.”

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