Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Putin’s ‘Chef’ Reportedly Cooks Up Plan to Stir Racial Enmity and Dismember the United States

Paul Goble

            Staunton, May 21 – The Khodorkovsky-supported Dossier Center is reporting and the American television network NBC is rebroadcasting a report that Yevgeny Prigozhin, known as Putin’s “chef” and who has been involved in subversive activities in Africa has come up with a plan to stoke racial hostilities in the US and ultimately threaten that country’s territorial integrity.

            The essence of the plan, if such it is, calls for Prigozhin’s team to recruit Black Americans, train them in Africa for combat and sabotage, and then return them to the US to foment violence ( and

            What is especially disturbing about all this is that those presented with such documents, which certainly reflect a mindset of the Putin regime which supports using all means legal and illegal against its opponents, have been put in an impossible position exactly as the Kremlin intends.

            If they dismiss such plans as the kind of fantasies they almost certainly are, the kind of thing some Russian officials can be counted on to think would be wonderful if they were carried out, those who are presented with such documents risk missing a real story, one that shows Moscow is intervening in American life far beyond the elections.

            But if they report them and focus only on the likelihood of such plans being carried out, they may be missing the point because in broadcasting the report, they are likely doing exactly what the Kremlin and its “cook” want: spreading a story, which even if it isn’t true, will likely exacerbate suspicions among Americans and further undermine racial comity.

            In many ways, the supposed Prigozhin plan is yet another revival of Soviet-era programs to reach out in support of Black Americans in the 1920s and later. Those plans did little to help Negroes, but they did provide a trope for segregationists and their supporters who argued that the drive for racial justice was a communist plot.

            Unfortunately, there will be some in the US now who will be ready to draw similar conclusions and vote accordingly.  That is what the Kremlin wanted in Soviet times; it is what it wants now.  And those who comfort themselves with the notion that Russia is not the USSR should recognize that in this case as in many others they are only deceiving themselves.

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