Sunday, July 14, 2024

New August 1991-Style State Emergency Committee Appears Ever More Possible, Pastukhov Says

Paul Goble

            Staunton, July 13 – Vladimir Pastukhov, the London-based Russian analyst who is one of the most thoughtful students of politics in his homeland, says that in his opinion, “the conditions are arising” that could lead to the formation of a new August 1991-style State Emergency Committee that would challenge Putin not from the liberal left but the radical conservative right.

            In his telegram channel, the analyst argues that “we are witnessing the merging of the top of the security forces with the most reactionary part of the political class and htat as a result, ‘a new opposition’ is taking shape within the system, an opposition of cannibals that seeks to disrupt the status quo and demands changes” (

            Something similar happened before in August 1991, Pastukhov says. It almost happened again in 1996; and now it appears to be happening again. That trend of an alliance of extremely reactionary security officials and ultra-nationalists is not something that should be dismissed “as insignificant.”

            After all, August 1991 happened; and before that “Rasputin was killed not by the Bolshevik Leninists or Savinkov’s SRs but by the hyper-Black Hundreds Purishkevich, Prince Felix Yusupov and with the direct participation of younger members of the Russian imperial family,” Pastukhov warns. 


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