Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Some Officials in Russian Regions Resisting Kremlin Efforts to Promote Veterans into Political Life

Paul Goble

            Staunton, July 9 – Despite Putin’s call to promote veterans of his war in Ukraine into city councils and regional assemblies, the leaders of some Russian federal subjects are resisting and even sabotaging such Kremlin efforts apparently in order to keep control of the situaiton, according to Vitaly Ivanov of the Club of the Regions portal.

            Commenting on the results of the United Russia primaries, the political scientist who specializes on regional issues says that resistance to Putin’s call appears to be centered in deputy governors who are responsible for organizing the elections to regional and local offices rather than with governors themselves (

            Ivanov says he met one deputy governor who even “argued in all seriousness” that Putin did not say “directly” that veterans should be integrated into the power elite. Apparently that man has some kind of prejudice against veterans. But he is far from alone, the political scientist says; and thus there are fewer veterans running for office than there should be.

            To overcome such resistance, he continues, Moscow is going to have to establish quotas and monitor the situation closely; or regional officials will likely continue to resist. 

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