Friday, August 16, 2024

For First Time Ever, Number of Divorces in Russia Exceeds Number of Marriages

Paul Goble

            Staunton, Aug. 13 – During the first quarter of 2024, the number of divorces in Russia exceeded the number of marriages, 160,000 to 145,000, a figure that is especially distressing because it is taking place at a time that Vladimir Putin has declared The Year of the Family in the hopes of promoting traditional values and boosting the birthrate.

            Experts suggest that divorces are likely to increase among those already married as they either seek to gain government assistance that goes to single-parent families, even to the point of getting fictional divorces, or age to the point that their children have left home and find that there are fewer reasons for the partners to stay together (

            Indeed, the experts with whom Nakanune journalist Elena Rychkova spoke say that the authorities have decided that they must not only introduce courses on marriage in schools, something that will happen this school year, but also insist on counseling for couples applying for divorce, a step that would be expensive and that the Putin regime shows little interest in.


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