Sunday, November 4, 2018

East Turkestan Exiles Create Data Base on Chinese Oppression

Paul Goble

            Staunton, November 4 – “Beginning in the spring of 2017, the government of the Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous District of China have been conducting a secret policy toward ethnic minorities, primarily Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Dungans, dispatching many of them to concentration camps,” East Turkestani exiles say.

            The goal of this policy, they say, is “to destroy their ethno-religious identity and to teach them to bow down to the Communist Party of china. In the opinion of some experts, the number of people confined in the camps exceeds a million. In addition, a significant number are in jails or illegally detained.”

            Given Chinese denials and restrictions on the free flow of information, the exiles have created a data base in which those with direct experience of Chinese oppression can record their experiences.  “We hope,” the exiles say, “that having heard their voices, the world will gradually understand the real horror and seriousness of the catastrophe which is taking place there.”

            “As the Uyghur proverb puts it ‘Tama-tama kol bolar’ – that is, ‘drop by drop the lake is filled up’”  (; the data base itself can be found at

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